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College Preparatory
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School Administrators
Ms. Griselda Esparza
Assistant Principal
Email Griselda Esparza
Mrs. Wendy Fischer
Assistant Principal
Email Wendy Fischer
Mr. Raul Magdaleno
Mrs. Liddell McGuire
Assistant Principal
Email Liddell McGuire
Ms. Alba Morales
Assistant Principal
Email Alba Morales
Julio Alcantar
Physical Education
Email Julio Alcantar
Ms. Nastassia Arellano
Case Manager / Special Education
Email Nastassia Arellano
Ms. Elsie Artis
Special Education
Email Elsie Artis
Mr. Juan Ascencio
Physical Education
Email Juan Ascencio
Irais Bahena
Fine Arts
Email Irais Bahena
Mr. Andres Barrera
Social Science
Email Andres Barrera
Mr. Andres Calvillo
Performing Arts
Email Andres Calvillo
Mr. Christopher Collias
English Language Arts
Email Christopher Collias
Ms. Alexandra Diaz
Special Education
Email Alexandra Diaz
Mrs. Suzanne Duran
English Teacher
Email Suzanne Duran
Ms. Maria Gana Caro
Special Education Teacher
Email Maria Gana Caro
Mr. Efrain Gonzalez-Reyes
Teacher (Social Science)
Email Efrain Gonzalez-Reyes
Ms. Celia Guzman
Teacher (Science)
Email Celia Guzman
Ms. Magen Higgs
Teacher (Science)
Email Magen Higgs
Mr. Arturo Jurado
Teacher (Mathematics)
Email Arturo Jurado
Mr. Stephan Kunca
Teacher (Physical Education)
Email Stephan Kunca
Ava Lonergan
Teacher (Fine Arts)
Email Ava Lonergan
Mrs. Patricia Luque
ELPT/Bilingual ESL Coordinator
Email Patricia Luque
Ms. Virginia Manriquez
Math Teacher
Email Virginia Manriquez
Angela Marino
Special Education Teacher
Email Angela Marino
Carlos Marino
Special Education Teacher
Email Carlos Marino
Mr. Michael McCain
Teacher (Performing Arts)
Email Michael McCain
James McNicholas
Teacher (Science)
Email James McNicholas
Ms. Maura Michaels
Special Education Teacher
Email Maura Michaels
Mr. Edward Miller
Performing Arts Teacher
Email Edward Miller
Mr. Jesus Montano
Special Education Teacher
Email Jesus Montano
Mr. Keith Newquist
Special Education Teacher
Email Keith Newquist
Mr. Joseph Oswald
Social Science Teacher
Email Joseph Oswald
Mr. Jamie Pales
English Teacher
Email Jamie Pales
Mr. Laddie Perina
CTE Teacher
Email Laddie Perina
Ms. Rose Phinick
Teacher (English Language Arts)
Email Rose Phinick
Mrs. Christine Proffit
Teacher (English Language Arts)
Email Christine Proffit
Mr. Michael Renfree
English Teacher
Email Michael Renfree
Mr. Kenneth Rinder
Special Education Teacher
Email Kenneth Rinder
Mrs. Lizette Rubio
Teacher (Computer Science)
Email Lizette Rubio
Ms. Julie Ruich
Teacher (Mathematics)
Email Julie Ruich
Mr. Adan Salgado
CTE Teacher
Email Adan Salgado
Mrs. Liseth Salgado
Social Science Teacher
Email Liseth Salgado
Mr. Juan Sandoval
Teacher (English Language Arts)
Email Juan Sandoval
Mr. Ahmed Saqri
Special Education Teacher
Email Ahmed Saqri
Mr. Leon Scarlett
Email Leon Scarlett
Ms. Brandi Stark
English Language Arts
Email Brandi Stark
Mr. Robert Stephenson
Special Education
Email Robert Stephenson
Ms. Stephanie Stosek
English Language Arts
Email Stephanie Stosek
Mrs. Jackline Tadrous
Email Jackline Tadrous
Cynthia Thompson
Special Education
Email Cynthia Thompson
Mr. Jesus Torres
Social Science
Email Jesus Torres
Leticia Trejo
Special Education
Email Leticia Trejo
Ms. Yuridia Trujillo
Career & Technical Education
Email Yuridia Trujillo
Mrs. Erica Uribe
World Language - Spanish
Email Erica Uribe
Oscar Uribe Alvarado
Physical Education
Email Oscar Uribe Alvarado
Mrs. Irma Vega
Social Science
Email Irma Vega
Mr. Eric Villarreal
Social Science
Email Eric Villarreal
Peter Waswil
Email Peter Waswil
Mrs. Audrey Wience
English Language Arts
Email Audrey Wience
Mrs. Christine Wilkison
English Language Arts
Email Christine Wilkison
Mr. Paul Wrenn
Physical Education
Email Paul Wrenn
Ms. Jenny Zamora
Social Science
Email Jenny Zamora
Mr. John Zehnder
Social Science
Email John Zehnder
Mrs. Joellen Zielazinski
Math Teacher
Email Joellen Zielazinski
Support Staff
Ms. Emma Aguirre
School Programmer
Email Emma Aguirre
Luz Maria Alcantar
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Luz Maria Alcantar
Mr. Andres Andino
Email Andres Andino
Fanny Arellano
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Fanny Arellano
Ms. Nastassia Arellano
Case Manager / Special Education
Email Nastassia Arellano
Mrs. Rosa Ayala
School Clerk
Email Rosa Ayala
Mrs. Balcazar Agnieszka Balcazar
Email Agnieszka Balcazar
Andrea Barron
Email Andrea Barron
Mrs. Monica Beltran
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Monica Beltran
Mr. Nicholas Campobasso
Case Manager
Email Nicholas Campobasso
Alberto Ceniceros
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Alberto Ceniceros
Ms. Kelly Chen
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Kelly Chen
Taylor Daum
Email Taylor Daum
Ms. Ariana Delira
School Assistant
Email Ariana Delira
Mr. Carlos Diaz
Support Staff (Attendance Office)
Email Carlos Diaz
Mrs. Luciel Diaz
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Luciel Diaz
Mrs. Esther Enriquez
Email Esther Enriquez
Mr. Israel Garcia
Email Israel Garcia
Ms. Noemi Gil-Ruiz
Email Noemi Gil-Ruiz
Mr. Alan Goldberg
Email Alan Goldberg
Mr. Richard Grantz
Email Richard Grantz
Grace Gunderson
Email Grace Gunderson
Mr. Jose Heredia
Support Staff (College and Career Coach)
Email Jose Heredia
Mr. Hector Hernandez
Athletic Director
Email Hector Hernandez
Ms. Vicki Law
School Counseling Department Chair
Email Vicki Law
Ms. Janice Lee
Email Janice Lee
Hernan Leyva
Email Hernan Leyva
Ms. Alexis Lopez
Special Ed Classroom Assist
Email Alexis Lopez
Mrs. Patricia Luque
ELPT/Bilingual ESL Coordinator
Email Patricia Luque
Rachel Madrid
Email Rachel Madrid
Ms. Graciela Martinez
Support Staff (Attendance Office)
Email Graciela Martinez
Mr. Arturo Mendoza
Email Arturo Mendoza
Mr. Francisco Mendoza
Email Francisco Mendoza
Mr. Stanley Mietus
Support Staff (Security)
Email Stanley Mietus
April Montoya
Support Staff (Security)
Email April Montoya
Ms. Bianey Montoya
Support Staff (Technology Assistant)
Email Bianey Montoya
Ms. Stephanie Najera
Activities Director
Email Stephanie Najera
Mr. Orlando Ozaine
Email Orlando Ozaine
Tomasz Papierz
Email Tomasz Papierz
Francisco Perez
Email Francisco Perez
Mr. Jose Perez
Support Staff (Special Education Classroom Assist)
Email Jose Perez
Ms. Meliza Priego
BPNC Resource Coordinator
Email Meliza Priego
Felipe Quiroz
Support Staff (Security)
Email Felipe Quiroz
Ms. Yessenia Rogel
Support Staff (College and Career Coach)
Email Yessenia Rogel
Ms. Noa Solomon-Auger
College & Career Coach
Email Noa Solomon-Auger
Ms Chandra Taylor
Email Chandra Taylor
Mr. Adam Toledo
Computer Technician
Email Adam Toledo
Ms. Eva Trejo
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Eva Trejo
Patricia Trejo
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Patricia Trejo
Ms. Evelyn Valle
Business Manager
Email Evelyn Valle
Marshawn Walton
Email Marshawn Walton
Suzanna Xu
Special Education Classroom Assistant
Email Suzanna Xu
Ms. Jialin Ye
School Clerk
Email Jialin Ye
Mrs. Zenaida Zarco
Special Education Classroom Assist
Email Zenaida Zarco
Mr. Mark Ainsworth
Email Mark Ainsworth
Mr. Luis Aparicio
World Language
Email Luis Aparicio
Ms. Angelica Arroyo
World Language
Email Angelica Arroyo
Mr. Lalachan Augusthy
Email Lalachan Augusthy
Mr. Dongyu Bao
World Language
Email Dongyu Bao
Mrs. Gretchen Bates
Email Gretchen Bates
Mr. John Bell
Social Science
Email John Bell
Mrs. Rosadelia Bell
World Language
Email Rosadelia Bell
Mr. Matthew Boyle
Special Education
Email Matthew Boyle
Ms. Stephanie Bradley
Social Science
Email Stephanie Bradley
Ms. Carolyn Brown
Social Science
Email Carolyn Brown
Ms. Chani Buchic Williams
Performing Arts / Physical Education
Email Chani Buchic Williams
Mrs. Erika Bychowski
Social Science
Email Erika Bychowski
Mr. Rocky Caponigri
Email Rocky Caponigri
Ms. Elga Castillo
World Language
Email Elga Castillo
Mrs. Maria Castro-Reese
World Language
Email Maria Castro-Reese
Mrs. Ruth Clarke
English Language Arts
Email Ruth Clarke
Ms. Mary Corvo
Special Education
Email Mary Corvo
Mr. Stephan Crownson
Email Stephan Crownson
Mr. Srdan Cvetkovic
Special Education
Email Srdan Cvetkovic
Mr. Richard Daily
Performing Arts Teacher
Email Richard Daily
Mrs. Yadira De La Torre
World Language
Email Yadira De La Torre
Ms. Marina Fernandez
Special Education Teacher
Email Marina Fernandez
Mr. Thomas Figel
English Teacher
Email Thomas Figel
Ms. Alondra Flores
Teacher (English Language Arts)
Email Alondra Flores
Mrs. Leena George
Math Teacher
Email Leena George
Ms. Adriana Guerrero
World Language Spanish Teacher
Email Adriana Guerrero
Mrs. Sandra Guzman
Special Education Teacher
Email Sandra Guzman
Ms. Dongmei Huang
Math Teacher
Email Dongmei Huang
Mr. Anthony Jideonwo
Math Teacher
Email Anthony Jideonwo
Mr. Joseph Joyce
Physical Education Teacher
Email Joseph Joyce
Mr. Steve Juhasz
Physical Education Teacher
Email Steve Juhasz
Mr. John Jurewitch
Science Teacher
Email John Jurewitch
Mrs. Agnieszka Kos
Science Teacher
Email Agnieszka Kos
Ms. Anna Lane
Social Science Teacher
Email Anna Lane
Ms. Pui Lam Law
Fine Arts Teacher
Email Pui Lam Law
Mrs. Haydee Lopez
Fine Arts Department Teacher/Chair
Email Haydee Lopez
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