Kelly Writing Corner

New York Times Summer Reading Contest
Take part in this year’s New York Times Summer Reading Contest!! Follow the link here: New York Times Summer Reading Contest.
Remember, our school has a school-wide subscription to the New York Times. Take advantage of this awesome reading opportunity!
Zine Making 101
Are you looking for something to do this summer? Express yourself using this new and fun zine making format. Watch these tutorials to help you make and publish your very own zine.
Check out these KCP Student Zines! Thanks to Gear Up for all of their help!
Service Learning Projects
#1: SY20-21 Inspirational Moments: Why I want to go to college…
Enjoy reading these inspirational moments written by our KCP students!
#2 SY20-21: Ms. Stosek
Ms. Stosek’s classes would like to share with you their learning around these very important topics. Check out their presentations!
Students in Ms. Stosek's 2020-21 AP English Language and Composition created their own individual Student Learning Projects based upon their interests and passions at the time. As we were in the midst of the Covid Pandemic and studying via remote learning, and our class additionally had simultaneously been reading a text dealing with domestic abuse, the readers will see a correspondence in themes. Student topics range anywhere from the Psychological Trauma of Covid19, to Child Abuse and Alcoholism on one end, to Research on Health Care and Insurance and promoting Kelly's Food Pantry, to trying to better understand police brutality. These were/are all vital issues, relevant to the students doing the work. They dedicated themselves inside and outside of the classroom and within the community to complete this work, to gain a better understanding of these issues that stirred them and to share their findings with you, our community. We hope you find time to peruse them at your leisure and enjoy!
Creative Writing with Mr. Figel
Congratulations to Mr. Figel’s students for putting together this awesome collection of poetry, short stories, and journals. Great job everyone!
ChiTeen Lit Fest
Congratulations to our ChiTeen LitFest participants! Your poetry collection and short stories & graphic novel collection are awesome! Hope you enjoy reading their work!