Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Organizational Meeting

Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Organizational Meeting
9/13/2019, 9:30 AM
Allen-Suwe Conference Room 113

Dear Parents of Thomas Kelly College Prep, please join us
For the Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Organizational Meeting

Date: Friday, September 13, 2019
Where: Allen-Suwe Conference Room 113
Time: 9:30 a.m.

At the Organizational Meeting of theThomas Kelly College Prep Title I PAC, parents will elect Title I PAC Officers and set monthly meeting dates and times for the school year. The officers of the PAC are as follows: Chairperson Carmela Cruz, Vice Chairperson Maria Franco, Secretary Graciela Martinez and Outreach Coordinator Ana Audiffred.

Please remember that in order to run for a position and vote, you must be present at the meeting. Thomas Kelly College Prep receives Title I Parent Involvement Funds for parental involvement activities so please join us for this meeting.

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